Perseid Meteor Shower To Reach Peak Soon

Look up! The 2021 Perseid meteor shower is set to reach its peak later in August. 

The Camelopardalids meteor shower will peak over Fairfield County early Saturday morning.

The Camelopardalids meteor shower will peak over Fairfield County early Saturday morning.

Photo Credit: Flickr user Dominic's pics reported that while the meteor shower was set to last from Sunday, July 25 through Wednesday, Aug. 18, it will reach its peak on the night of Thursday, Aug. 12.

The site said people in Eastern Europe are in the best position to see the meteor shower, but North Americans should also have a good view of it. The peak is expected to last for about 12 hours, added.

For best viewing of the most meteors, observers should choose a dark site that doesn't have haze and smoke.

Learn more tips on how to watch the meteor shower here.

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